

Gday Driving Education is partnered with bstreetsmart to help create a safer driving future for all road users. We are passionate about working together to create awareness around the need for quality driver education with an emphasis on low-risk driving. This partnership means so much to us, as we strive to make Australian roads safer for all.

Bstreetsmart is the inspiring initiative of the Trauma Service at Westmead Hospital. Westmead’s Trauma Service is constantly reminded through their hands on work that young people aged between 15 – 30 are disproportionally represented in road trauma. As a result they have a strong commitment to Road Safety Education. The purpose of bstreetsmart is to reduce the fatality and injury rates of young people by promoting safe behaviour as drivers, riders and passengers.

Our Teen Driving Lessons & Courses are designed to empower young drivers with the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to navigate the road safely. With a focus on defensive driving techniques, risk awareness, and responsible decision-making, our courses go beyond basic driving instruction to prepare teens for the challenges they may encounter on the road.

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